Mistral cartridge clamp


The cartridge clamp is a tool designed and manufactured by Predict to facilitate the proper closing and opening of standard stainless steel thermal desorption tubes (3½″ (89 mm) long × ¼″ (6.4 mm) outer diameter).

Usable in research or chemical analysis laboratories.

The system can also be clamped on a work surface to make it even more stable and easy to use

Due to the quality of the materials and the efficiency of the mechanisms, the cartridge clamp allows:

  • the safeguarding of the sample
  • the cleaning of the cartridges
  • the protection from contaminating elements

In order to preserve the integrity of the collected sample and avoid contamination of clean cartridges, it is in fact recommended to close the tubes with brass caps consisting of two parts (internal and external).
The presence of suitable grooves on the cartridge clamp allows the inner part of the cap and the sample tube to be housed and locked in the right position.

The hexagonal wrench therefore allows the outer part to be screwed in the right direction and with a controlled force that allows the inner seals to adhere properly to the tube, ensuring a tight seal.

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